Hey friends, it’s Julie Loos of Mama Bear Apologetics, a partner of Ratio Christi International. Mama Bear Apologetics exists to equip moms to answer the tough questions of the faith. These questions start in the home, and moms are usually the first ones to hear them. So, let’s band together and educate ourselves. You can follow Mama Bear Apologetics on the web, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and iTunes.
Today’s topic is “How Apologetics Can Help Our Prayer Life be More Strategic and Targeted.”
Our world is full of anti-Christian worldviews infecting our kids. There is an even higher probability of infection when placed in a college environment where the exposure rate to these worldviews increases exponentially. It is a breeding ground for doubt, disillusionment, and defeat of their Christian beliefs. Lack of immunity from a young age can make them easily succumb to attacks on their faith. And it’s due in part to intellectual skepticism and doubt brought on by lack of training in what they believe, why they believe it, and how to defend it.
It’s enough to bring us moms to our knees in prayer. And thankfully, it’s beginning to bring more of us back to our Bibles and bookstores for apologetics training.
Today we’re going to talk about how apologetics study can make our prayer life more strategic and targeted. This knowledge that we gain through studying the defense of our faith can be used to pray in a way that is informed by scripture, tempered by knowledge of the culture, and applied with wisdom.
Many of us moms are zealous to pray for our kids when they are in trouble. And that’s a good thing. But listen to what Proverbs 19:2 a (NIV) tells us, “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge.” That zeal in prayer can and should be accompanied with knowledge—which is an accurately informed mind. Then remember what our Lord commands us in Matthew 22:37—we are to love him with all our mind. Other translations expand that to loving him with (MSG) all our passion, prayer, intelligence (DRA); our whole mind (Darby); our understanding (AMP) and intellect. And don’t forget that according to 1 Peter 3:15 we are to always be ready to give a defense—a reason—for our hope with gentleness and respect.
I believe the work of defending the faith cannot succeed apart from prayer, and the work of prayer can become more effective when informed by apologetics. I believe that through prayer and apologetics we can help our children stand for truth on campus and in culture and spur revival and spiritual awakening which historically has led to cultural transformation.
Apologist Francis Shaeffer said: It is important to remember, first of all, that we cannot separate true apologetics from the work of the Holy Spirit, nor from a living relationship in prayer to the Lord on the part of the Christian. We must understand that eventually the battle is not just against flesh and blood.
Be inspired and instructed by the example of Moses in Exodus 17 as explained in the book “The Front Line—A Prayer Warriors’ Guide to Spiritual Battle.” Moses prayed over the battle, while the soldiers fought in the valley. His prayer won the battle in conjunction with what was done in the natural. This mission is a tandem effort as we engage the enemy on all fronts.
The tandem effort for us moms is prayer coupled with apologetics—that’s how we can engage the enemy, the father of lies, and his deceptive philosophies, on all fronts—in the spiritual through prayer and in the natural by arming our kids with apologetics while they fight the worldview conflict on campus and in culture.
So, here’s what I would like to encourage and equip you to do as you begin or continue you study in apologetics--couple it with prayer. Here’s a four-step approach you can use.
1. Praise—this is praying to God about himself, offering worship based on his character, his attributes, his Names. It’s all about WHO he is NOT what he’s done. Think of it this way: I praise you God for you are _________. Fill it the blank about God. This is a great place to start in your prayer time because it sets our eyes on Jesus and not on our circumstances. Praise is the atmosphere within which we should pray.
2. Confession—getting right with God. Unclogging the pipeline in your communication with him. Recognizing sins of omission and commission. Naming them. Agreeing it was wrong. Asking for forgiveness and power to overcome. Confession also helps us approach God in humility.
3. Thanksgiving—now’s your chance to give God glory for what he has done or will do based on his nature. Shine the spotlight on God. It develops an attitude of gratitude. You learn how to be thankful in all things when you can’t always thank him for all things.
4. Intercession—asking on behalf of others or petition which usually refers to asking for yourself. Ask scripturally. Ask specifically. Asking in His name means with his authority and his motivation—not our own selfish motivations. Knowing what you know about him, how does that inform how you pray about a specific topic?
So how does this apply to apologetics? Let’s go back and use this prayer framework to think through a foundational apologetic topic:
Truth—Defined as the correspondence between thought and belief. Truth is telling it like it is. The world our kids are growing up in does not believe that objective truth exists. To them everything is relative and based on subjective feelings. How does what we learn about God being truth and the objective grounding for all truth help us pray?
Praise: What are some attributes of God related to truth? He is truth, immutable, all things come from him and through him, he never changes, he is the source of wisdom which was with him in the foundation of the world, his word is reliable, he is our objective standard, etc.
Confession: What sins surrounding truth need to be confessed—personally, corporately, on whose behalf do we need to confess—ourselves, the church, others? Ask God to reveal the motivation, deception, lies behind the sins that come up against truth. Confess we have given into political correctness and not stood up for the truth out of fear, ignorance, lack of training.
Thanksgiving: What can we thank him for regarding truth? How has God already been at work to correct lies; what can he do based on his nature? We can know truth, know that scripture and reality corroborate each other, all truth is God’s, truth is revealed in scripture and in nature, truth cannot be changed by belief.
Intercession: What is the root idol, lie, or philosophy at play? What are corresponding scriptures that address truth and deception? What can we pray FOR? What can we pray AGAINST? As instructed in II Corinthians 10:3-5, what strongholds do we need to pull down, what arguments, theories, reasonings do we need to refute? Intercede for these things and pray for protection against lies and ploys of the enemy.
Join me in this prayer inspired by the apologetic that objective truth exists:
I praise you Father for you are the way, the truth, and the life. You are eternal and never-changing. Your word is completely infallible and totally reliable. Truth can be known because you are Truth and you are a knowable God. You have already defeated the father of lies.
Forgive me when I live like the world and act as if everything is relative. Nothing could be farther from the Truth. Forgive me for buying into the postmodern thought that what’s true for me does not have to be true for others.
That I must be “politically correct” and not offend anyone with expressing what I believe and why. I confess that mankind, in our wickedness, has repressed and hindered the truth and made it inoperative.
Lord I thank you that you are a personal God and Christianity is the only religion with a personal God. I thank you that I can share that truth unashamedly with the world and set their deceptive thought pattern free.
Lord Jesus, let my children know, see, read, and believe that you are the Truth. Give them the confidence and courage to stand firm in their beliefs. Show me how to ground them in the facts that back up their faith, scientifically, historically, and philosophically. Lord we pray against the doctrines, theories, systems and practices that attack Your truth. Release colleges especially from relativism, anti-supernaturalism, secularism, and pluralism.
Change the hearts of professors who profess atheism and agnosticism and intentionally prey on the faith of our Christian students. Convict Christian students to train themselves in the knowledge of what they believe and why they believe it. Empower them to be Your ambassadors demonstrating wisdom, knowledge, and character in all their words and ways. Open the eyes of those blinded by lies; turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. Sanctify Christian students and staff by the truth; Your word is truth. We pray that as an act of worship, our students will “present their minds in service to the Lord.”
Lord create in them through your Holy Spirit the desire to pursue truth and proclaim it unashamedly. Amen.
So, ladies, as you study apologetics, take note when you see something that speaks to praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. Let your apologetics training make your prayer life more specific and targeted.
It is my prayer for you that you will combine zeal with knowledge, let prayer and apologetics--working in tandem in the spiritual and the natural realm--tear down strongholds that would entangle our children and be victorious in the worldview wars.
Tune in next month as we discuss in more detail that “Truth Exists.” And don’t forget—for more resources for moms see the Mama Bear website at www.mambearapologetics.com.
To learn more about the four steps of prayer visit www.momsinprayer.org. For resources and training for your high school and college kids, visit www.ratiochristi.org.
(To email Julie about Ratio Christi: julieloos@ratiochristi.org; to email her about Moms in Prayer: college@momsinprayer.org. To read her blogs on the Ratio Christi website go to: https://ratiochristi.org/boosters/blog.)
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